Who’s He (Part 1)

There were no foolish men among the Great Overarching experts.

Of course, some like Beiming Hai were exceptions.

It should be said that those who could become Great Overarching experts were extremely intelligent.

They knew that the task of besieging the Great Demon Venerate was a battle only the Venerates could join.

However, there were many Great Overarching Golden Immortals around, an enormous number of them.

They entered the secret realm of the Saint Demon Lord, and did their best in invading the forbidden area even though they knew they might die due to unforeseen danger.

Why did they do so? It was for the sake of encounters.

It was a place of a saint, hence there must be numerous hidden treasures and legacy being left behind.

If they were to get some of them, they would be able to reap lots of benefits from it.