Who’s He (Part 3)

"This can only prove how outstanding I'm. Unlike you who have not even a single man!" Yu Fei smirked, "No wonder you're so angry. It turns out that you've been restraining yourself for too long! Shall I get you 100,000 demons, each of which has a height of at least 1,000 feet, absolutely strong enough for you!"

"F*ck you!" The Vermilion Bird was furious.

"Nah, I'm not afraid of you!" Yu Fei snorted coldly.

The two of them were glaring at each other.

Meanwhile, Heavenly Buddha and Dragon Monarch looked at each other, rather speechless. Venerate Tai Yin, Great Monarch Tian Song and the rest only looked into the sky.

"Ahem!" Dragon Monarch coughed softly and asked, "Yu Fei, were you the one who killed the Great Demon Venerate?"