Descended into the Tiancang Great Chiliocosm (Part 3)

Seeing her daughter's outstanding temperament and unparalleled appearance, he planned on giving her to an Immortal King for promotion.

Nevertheless, Lan Shuirou learned about the plan. She got exasperated and sneaked out. To hide from her father, she didn't even take protective treasure with her and she was desecrated by Shi Fang.

She was a tough girl. After she was being humiliated, she escaped, returned to her mansion and told her family members about her misery.

Lan Qianfan, the Mansion Master of the Misty Mansion was furious. Hence, he sent a troop to the Stone Mansion.

While confronting the Stone Mansion, Shi Lei learned about the cause and exploded in rage. He immediately caught his nephew so that he kneeled down in public. Then he told Lan Qianfan that he was willing to spend half of his wealth as the betrothal gift for his nephew to marry his daughter.

Lan Qianfan rejected the offer because he wanted Shi Fang dead in order to vent his anger.