It's Amazing (Part 2)

Lan Qianfan was smiling but it was a forced smile.

"Oh, little brother Lan, why did I hear that you've been preparing a beauty for me? Did you come here to the Stone Mansion to snatch one just because you don't have it in your mansion?" Bu Cheng sneered.

"Mansion Master Lan, you shouldn't have done that!" Immortal King Gou pretended he was angry as he said, "We are old friends who used to enjoy the meal under the same roof together. Why didn't you tell me when you have beauties?"

Jiang Ming was enjoying being an onlooker. He stopped attacking for the time being.

The two men were rascals. When the Immortal King Gou passed by the Misty Mansion, he received Lan Qianfan's hospitality. Not only he did not appreciate, he raped Lan Qianfan's partner.

While raping Lan Qianfan's partner, he sealed him and put him beside the bed because he didn't know that Lan Qianfan had some special ability which allowed him to sense what was happening.