Gu Hai: Am I in a State of Exaltation? Hehe, Indeed I Am

It was a large table. It was a new one because the old table couldn't accommodate 108 dishes. 

It had to be 108 dishes as per master's request.

"Ming, you're a filial disciple indeed!" Gu Hai was even more happy than drinking the immortal wine when he saw a table full of delicacies. He rubbed his hands, grabbed the chopsticks from Jiang Ming, and when he wanted to pick up food, he was startled.

He stared at the chopsticks and asked with surprise, "Is this an immortal weapon?"

"It can be known as the Golden Immortal Weapon!" Jiang Ming replied. "In fact, this table, and these bowls and plates are all of the Golden Immortal Weapons. They are of one set, my friend gave me!"