Flabbergasted Thousands Clans, All Slaughtered

Jiang Ming and Luo Heng were besieged by the experts of the Demon Clan. Every member of the clan were staring at Luo Heng, yearning to swallow him whole.

Their invincible might emitted naturally had confined the void around, attracting other experts' attention in the distance. Unfortunately, none of them knew Jiang Ming nor Luo Heng, who was after all, a little kid. Even though Luo Heng was a genius of the Human Race, he wasn't recognized by the strong experts in the Human Race because he was still too weak.

"Brother Jiang, I used to see this person in the map of other clans' experts. He is Shi Kuang, the great demon at the pinnacle stage of Star Sea leveled!" Luo Heng introduced openly as if nobody was around. "The rest are the experts of the Demon Clan. Cosmic experts may be present among them I'm afraid. What do you think, Brother Jiang?"