The 3,000 Daos and Laws, Saint Soul Finally Formed, Revenge Alliance (Part 1)

The entire space had collapsed, forming into a grayish domain. There wasn't any land, heaven, forest, and the lake was left. One couldn't even distinguish the direction, just like a unique space of Chaos.

"Thanks bro! I'm about to have a breakthrough, hence I'd need another three to four places like this. Please allow me to do so."

When Jiang Ming felt the formation of a leaf of the World Tree in his inner world, he felt ecstatic . He immediately waved and shouted to voice out his request.

Above Jiang Ming seemed to have flickering thunder, which disappeared after his request. He felt his heart miss a beat as he was rather nervous. 

Because he didn't feel any repulsion, he furtively took a sigh of relief, and felt grateful that the universe seemed to have agreed upon his request.

He wondered whether it was the will of the universe. But who cared?