The Three Seconds Experience Card (Part 1)

On top of the Chuyang Peak...

Jiang Ming's true self had returned. It was almost midnight.

"I almost miss it." Jiang Ming felt quite afraid. It was another hour to midnight. If he got back later, his 50 years of effort of cooking a meal daily would have gone. If it were to happen, he would be very regretful.

He stopped his Junior Sister from going towards him with a wave, and quickly cooked himself a meal. It was a simple meal of a fried egg, and a bowl of egg soup. He finished the meal in a shorter time than his cooking time. Then, he washed his dishes. All was done.

"Ding: Congratulations to the host for cooking and eating a quick and urgent supper. You are rewarded with a three-seconds Tenfold Soul Booster Card, the use is limited to the Star Sea of the Universe only."

In the system space, a card appeared.