The Exponential Increment of Power, The Change of Group Admin, Taixu God Slaying Needle

In the unique cultivation zone exclusively for Jiang Ming in the Supreme Pagoda. Jiang Ming had appeared on the altar. He could cultivate for as long as he wished because of the almost unmoving time.

Jiang Ming was making an inventory of his plunder. He had got almost a thousand pieces of Quasi-Sage Vessels, many pieces of Demi-Sage Vessels, and a few pieces of Supreme Vessels.

The Supreme Vessels that Jiang Ming had were the Blood Banner, Zhentian Tower, and the Taixu God Slaying Needle that he had just obtained. He also had a set of high-graded Dao vessels, the nine Universe Swords, which could be equivalent to a Saint Weapon if they were arranged into a formation.

Who would believe that Jiang Ming had got himself so many items?

He had even more other items, so much that they had been piled up into the size of planets.