A Finger Piercing through the Universe

The strength of a Supreme Expert was completely beyond logic. By just releasing his aura, he was capable of collapsing void, confining a large area, solidifying laws, and even revealing chains of orders, which might have cracked.

A Supreme Expert was extraordinarily terrifying.

Some Star Sea Experts, which were equivalent to the Great Overarching Golden Realm, who had just rushed over, and stayed not far away, exploded and died tragically on the spot under the effects of Supreme Experts' aura. 

The few Cosmic Experts who wished to be the onlookers were so terrified at the ordeal that they tore spaces and eluded. It was simply too terrifying for them.

 "Long Qian, your Demon Clan should be annihilated indeed!" Jiang Ming didn't even care about the ordeal, and lamented.

"Why do you say so?" Long Qian was not in a rush. After all, he believed that Jiang Ming would die for sure. Even Ye Wu and Jiu Yuan could not stay out of the ordeal.