Three Seconds Activation, Revealing the Chaos Tree, Extreme Massacre

The five great weapons: nine God Sealing Tablets, nine Universe Swords, Blood Banner, Zhentian Tower, and Taixu God Slaying Needle, were all cast at Long Qian.

How terrifying the power was. it collapsed the ancient, and the universe. All things couldn't resist its power regardless of laws, orders, rules, and the likes.

"Damn, this is so strong." Long Qian was shocked. The bell atop him abruptly trembled, releasing boundless rays to form a defense. As he wielded the saber to cast the True Dragon Slash, his saber suddenly shivered. The origin power of his saber was disturbed, its rays shattered, as though it was flying out. This terrified Long Qian.

In fact, even the luminance of the bell atop his head abruptly turned dim.

"What's the special ability he's been evoking that can actually affect my treasures? I'm gone!" Long Qian screamed, and he was drowned by the few Supreme Treasures.