Level Up: The Ultimate Transformation of Saint Soul

Jiang Ming again took out the Chaotic World Tree, which turned into the size of hundreds of millions of light-years to surround the fragment of the ruins.

Jiang Ming stood on a branch, took out the Human Path Record to merge it into the green luminance, and got to the core of the green light. The resistance was great but not great enough to stop Jiang Ming's Saint Soul and Human Path Record from suppressing the bead with Treasured Record.

'The owner is indeed dead. Otherwise, I can't get it that easily.' Jiang Ming took a sigh of relief.

The bead also revealed its genuine appearance. It was the Chaos Emerald Bead, the King Saint Weapon which contained endless qi of creation.

Losing the support of the Chaos Emerald Bead, the green luminance enveloping the fragment of the ruins gradually dispersed. However, it was dispersing at an extremely slow speed that a minimum of hundred and millions of years were needed.