The 100th Year of the System, Amazing Explosion of Rewards

As for the Xinghe Universe, Jiang Ming took it to heart. He couldn't deal with it today. Yet, he vowed to revisit the place again in the future. 

In the following days, Jiang Ming occasionally went into his exclusive cultivation space within the Supreme Pagoda to give himself time to settle down. Every now and then, he would have an amazing primitive sport with his junior sister as well.

Most of his time was spent lying on the rattan chair, comprehending the laws to promote the growth of his inner world even though this method was far inferior compared to having a deep sleep in the exclusive cultivation space to promote the evolution of his inner world with the power of origin. 

However, it was better than nothing. 

Of course, Jiang Ming also chatted around with the groupmates from time to time.

Such days were actually quite comforting to him.