Bombarded and Killed Dao Patriarchs

Invincible power, unbreakable defense and the immortal soul had made Jiang Ming invincible. Jiang Ming had many special abilities and techniques but only a few could be utilized to resist the Chaos Experts. Even though he had comprehended many special abilities for many years, he was after all, tried them in the exclusive cultivation space only.

However, Jiang Ming managed to comprehend one special ability to its ultimate limit. It was the Infinite Vessel Manipulation Technique. 

Taking his inner world as the foundation and the Soul Dao as support, Jiang Ming had evolved this technique to the current extreme, capable of detonating a Quasi-Chaos Supreme Treasure. However, he was not capable of detonating a real Chaos Supreme Treasure yet.

Anyway, Jiang Ming was currently overflowing with fighting spirit, and the excitement that had been dormant was revived. His surging fighting spirit shook the Chaos, and the battle even shook violently.