The End (Part 1)

Upon descending to the Primordial Demon Abyss, Jiang Ming got ferocious and almost devoured everything in the abyss. Yet, he was startled with the appearance of two terrific beings.

"You two have been waiting for me?" Jiang Ming asked with surprise. Meanwhile, his inner world had been refining the plunders rapidly. Chaos Laws were produced one after another and the increment of his strength was still sky-roketting. His inner world was rapidly moving towards producing a total number of 3,000 Chaos Laws and its expansion had reached an incredible degree.

"We have been waiting for you all these while." One of them revealed himself. It was an old man clad in Dao robe. He was looking at Jiang Ming with his sophisticated gaze. "Let's talk after your inner world has completely transformed into the Chaos. Else, it's useless to talk more."