Cultivator Li, Please Accept Our Bow

In the Jade Pure Dao Sect. After Perfected Yu Hua knew of Perfected Yan Ji's death from the Heavenly Dao Rankings, he quickly sent someone to the Five Elements Sect to check on the situation.

"Maybe Perfected Yan Ji realized that his lie had been exposed and felt that his reputation had been swept to the ground? He probably committed suicide out of shame!" Elder Taiwu scoffed.

"It's true that there's such a possibility. If I fabricated such a lie and got exposed, I couldn't bear to live in this world anymore due to shame!" Another elder commented.

"Hmph, if you ask me, he deserves it. He's blinded by the benefits and committed such immoral things! This sort of person isn't fit to be the master of a sect, nor is he fit to declare himself a part of the orthodox path. He has embarrassed us orthodox sects!" The few elders discussed animatedly.

As they spoke, they saw who was in seventh place.