He's Li Yu

As the golden light fused with the Unitary Heavy Water, the water suddenly began to expand and transform.

It slowly turned into a petite loli.

Her eyes were clear and lively, and her facial features were charming and adorable. Her crystalline skin was soft and fragile. She was not tall, but her figure had begun to take shape.

It was said that women were made of water. And this girl in front of him was indeed a bodily form of water.

Li Yu looked at the loli that came out of nowhere in surprise. He was puzzled for a moment.

"Eh? Where am I?" The loli frowned slightly. She looked at Li Yu and then at her surroundings, and the confusion in her eyes intensified.

"Who are you?" She looked at Li Yu and asked.

"I should be the one asking you this." Li Yu smiled. This can't be a girl with amnesia, right?

"Me? My name is Shan Ruoshui!" the girl replied crisply, her eyes clear and bright.