Qingyun Sect at the Center of the Universe

"Unknown cultivation level? Isn't this number one too strange?" The Night Soul Lord frowned.

He felt complicated and miserable. As if there was something stuck in his heart.

He was already unconvinced that Night Whisper was ranked second.

Thus, he guessed that the cultivation realm of the first place was probably close to Night Whisper. Perhaps he was only slightly ahead in power level and potential and had barely won against Night Whisper.

This way, he would feel better.

In the end, Li Yu's cultivation level was unknown?

The part that was covered was the most intriguing.

The unknown was the most terrifying.

The phenomenon's appearance and the abnormality of the rewards seemed to imply that this 'unknown' was hiding a shocking secret.

"Who is this Li Yu?" The Night Soul Lord was curious.