The Most Miserable Emperor in History (1)

After the new rankings surfaced, a few rows of clear, gilded words condensed below.

Young elites of every race could enter the Genius Excellence Rankings.

They were ranked according to style, talent, morals, conduct, strength, and other comprehensive factors. A total of 50 positions could obtain the rewards of the Heavenly Dao.

It would reveal one person on the rankings daily, giving him 15 minutes to showcase himself for the world to appreciate.

The rewards were only given once.

"Excellence Rankings?"

The appearance of a new ranking shook the world again.

This ranking was easy to understand, and it was explained clearly. As the name implied, it was a ranking list that displayed the elegance and talents of geniuses.

It could be considered a special ranking that supplemented the Sons of Heaven Rankings. This time, one would not only rely on his strength and potential to get on the rankings.