Mountain Gone

Boom boom boom boom boom…

The mountain's interior. Li Yu's body zoomed into countless figures, filling the entire space while his fist shadows rattled off.

The green flames engulfing the entire confined space dissipated into thin air again.

Li Yu did not stop as he kept punching the surrounding metal walls.

The metal wall immediately flickered with green light, and it even cracked open.

"Stop, stop, stop! Stop! I submit! I submit!" The Life Spirit True Flame's voice echoed again.

Immediately, it condensed again, and its front hooves knelt on the ground as it lowered its head in submission.

"Immortal Venerable, please spare my life and stop hitting the cauldron. Any more and this cauldron will shatter. I'm willing to submit. Please spare my life, Immortal Venerable!" The Life Spirit True Flame knelt on the ground and trembled.

How could it have imagined that a fellow with a mortal body could become so terrifying?