Your Brother Is Burnt (2)

"Good, you're sensible!" Li Yu put away his sword and nodded with satisfaction, and then he walked into the spatial door.

Inside the door was a massive space that was like a small world. Above Li Yu were dense clouds, and in the distance was a dark void.

36 enormous pillars stood towering between the sky and earth. They also had statues of gods that were lively, mighty, and authoritative.

At the center of these pillars was an altar that resembled a pyramid that reached into the clouds.

The top of the altar was hidden in the clouds in the sky. Li Yu could only see the bottom part of the altar. It was a flight of stairs with over a thousand steps.

At the moment, the elites of the demon race who had entered first were fighting intensely with ferocious beast spirits.

There were also some prodigies watching the battles. You Rong was one of them.

"What's the situation here?" Li Yu walked to You Rong's side and asked.