Only a Pi

"They are… using our vitality and magic power as energy to help them open the spatial passageway."

"They are trying to let the Devil Immortals in!"

"It's over, it's over!" Everyone was shocked. They were not ready to die.

However, if these Devil Immortals were allowed to open the passage, the group of holy land experts believed they deserved death.

Yet, they were currently restrained by the Devil Immortal's domain and suppressed and devoured by the demonic black line.

They could not resist at all. In fact, the holy land experts could not even self-destruct.

They could only allow themselves to be manipulated like a marionette as they watched a spatial circle appear in the black vortex and slowly expand.

More demonic aura surged out from the point.

At this moment, they finally understood why the Lingtian Mystic Realm had become a wasteland or even abandoned.

It was probably related to the Devil Immortals.