Bloodline and Physique Rankings (1)

Outside the Dao Seeking Tower. Li Yu's name suddenly disappeared from the stone tablet, causing an uproar.

"What's going on? Did Li Yu fail on the ninth level?"

"That's not right. Even if one fails, the name shouldn't disappear!"

As everyone was wondering, the names on the stone tablet disappeared one after another.

At the same time, the Dao Seeking Tower began to tremble slightly, creating circles of energy ripples.

Soon after, the young cultivators who had entered the Dao Seeking Tower not long ago flew out of the door.

"What's going on? What happened?" The elders hurriedly pulled their disciples over and asked.

"The Dao Seeking Tower has just announced the end of the challenge. Everyone must leave immediately!"

"Why did it end so suddenly? What happened?" Everyone was puzzled.

At that moment, a line of words suddenly appeared on the stone tablet beside the Dao Seeking Tower.