It's Just His Mount (2)

Li Yu did not reply as he looked at the battle in the sky. You Rong looked as well.

"The Chaos creatures here are strong!" You Rong sighed, then she looked at Li Yu. "Don't you want to know what I encountered after we separated?"

"No!" Li Yu shook his head. Actually, it was not that he did not want to, nor did he hate You Rong.

He just wanted to tease her. For some reason, it was fun to see her pout and jump around.

You Rong was so angry that her face bulged. Then, she stomped her feet and said, "Hmph, if you don't want to know, I'll tell you! After the Demon God Palace collapsed, we were all sent out. I took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

"Later on, I encountered a huge opportunity…"

You Rong began to blabber about the opportunities she had encountered. Li Yu's left ear was listening, and his attention was actually focused on his junior brother's battle situation in the air.