Nether Cloud Void

The appearance of the Heavenly Magic Treasures Rankings and the Heavenly Divine Techniques Rankings shook the myriad worlds again.

The various top factions and experts were excited. They looked forward to seeing their magic treasures and divine powers on the rankings.

Of course, they also hoped that the rankings could expose some ownerless magic treasures. This would be a new opportunity for them.

However, for some cultivators with rare treasures but no background or backing, and whose strength was not considered top-notch, they were nervous and expectant.

On the one hand, they hoped that their magic treasures could enter the rankings. The higher the ranking, the better. They were also looking forward to the rewards from the Heavenly Dao Rankings.

On the other hand, they were afraid that their magic treasures would be too dazzling and coveted by those top experts and large factions.