What Did You See?

After leaving the Ye family, Li Yu rode Guo Qilin and flew towards the Chaotic Divine Region with Murong Xingqiao.

After Murong Xingqiao arrived in the Forsaken Heaven Immortal Realm, she sensed a summoning power. More memories surfaced, and the Mystic Bird Jade Pendant seemed to have awakened.

Under the guidance of the Mystic Bird Jade Pendant and the summoning power, they soon arrived at the Chaotic Divine Region.

"No wonder this place is called a forbidden area. This place is really strange!" Guo Qilin remarked.

"This place seems to be a natural illusion array. General Guo, slow down and be careful!" Murong Xingqiao reminded him.

"Don't be nervous. I'm here. Such petty tricks are useless to me. Just listen to my orders!" Li Yu assured.

He possessed the Great Dao Golden Body, the Heart of Heaven and Earth. All spells and divine arts were useless to him. He could clearly sense the power of heaven and earth and the laws of the Great Dao.