Fairy Luo He Is Actually Here For Him

Fairy Luo He's smile seemed to silence the entire world for a moment.

Everyone on the bank of the Luo River was mesmerized for a moment before they returned to their senses.

The entire riverbank instantly boiled over, and even the Luohe Ancient City was boiling over as more and more people gathered.

It was the first time anyone saw Fairy Luo He respond, and it was also the first time they saw her smile. To everyone present, it was no less than seeing a miracle.

"So the legends are true. Fairy Luo He really responded. She's not an illusion, she really exists!"

"This is unbelievable. I didn't expect Ao Zhan's words to move Fairy Luo He!"

"He's too lucky!"

The elites of the various families and countless men who had been infatuated with Fairy Luo He were filled with envy. They wished for nothing more than to replace Ao Zhan.