100,000 Water Soldiers

Luohe City seemed to have returned to its original hustle and bustle. The young masters of the various families had already concealed their true identities and traces.

Everyone returned to their original lives.

However, the topic tonight was naturally related to what had happened not long ago. In fact, many people had yet to calm down.

Of course, they addressed Li Yu as Great Immortal Mi Lu, and his identity and background filled many people with curiosity.

As for some men who were infatuated with Fairy Luo He, they could only seek comfort from the girls in the brothels.

Although those women's bodies were left here, their souls had already left with Li Yu.

In a residence in the ancient city, a few figures in golden masks stood in a pavilion. They looked at the distant Luo River and said, "It's been 180,000 years. Master has finally found a suitable candidate!"

"After tonight, our Master can be truly resurrected!"