The Cultivation Path to Godhood

Could this be… a cultivation technique that led to a higher realm?

At the thought of this, Heavenly Venerable Xuan He's eyes sparkled as excitement surfaced on his face.

They were basically standing at the top of the known cultivation realm and had reached the end of the path explored by predecessors.

In front of them was the vast starry sky. Although they could see many stars, they did not know if they should fly towards the guidance of that star to touch a higher realm and open the door to a new world.

There was no longer any precedent or clear guidance.

They had to figure out their future paths themselves.

They were not even sure if their cultivation direction was right and if the Dao they adhered to could reach the new shore.

That was why they kept searching for any light that could guide them forward.

The Sons of Destiny, the Ancient Ruins, the Ten Realms Rift, the Door of Everlasting Life, etc…