My Youth Is Over

The Chaotic Divine Region, Luohe Ancient City.

The appearance of the Dusk Drum and the Pan Emperor's Void Sword made many people leave the ancient city to search for these two magic treasures in the Chaotic Divine Region.

However, there were still many people in the ancient city, especially on the bank of the Luo River. The heat of Fairy Luo He inviting people to the shore to cross the river had not dissipated.

Those infatuated with Fairy Luo He were still lingering here, waiting to witness her figure again.

As for those who yearned for the world on the other side of the river, they could only see everything through the fog.

The brothels and restaurants along the coast were still bustling with people. It was like the never-ending Luo River.

Of course, more people were paying attention to the rankings.

Magic Treasure Rankings # 11: Phoenix Parasol Zither

Magic Treasure Rating: Ancient Divine Artifact

Owner: Ji