Delivering Itself to Me (1)

"Ding… collected the Pan Emperor Void Sword!"

Li Yu only returned to his senses when the system's voice sounded. It turned out that the sword flying over was the ownerless Pan Emperor Void Sword.

'But… did this sword chase me here?'

Thinking back to what he had just seen, Li Yu guessed the truth and could not help but smile. He did not expect such a thing to happen.

He did not plan to find the Pan Emperor Void Sword. After all, compared to opening the Heaven Shrouding Door and collecting the Eight-Divisional Pagoda, the Pan Emperor Sword was not that attractive to him.

Furthermore, in his opinion, he could not lose this sword. Even if it fell into the hands of others, he would have a way to snatch it in the future.

However, he did not expect the Pan Emperor Void Sword to come knocking on his door. It even sent those old men who wanted it over.