Danger in the Burial Earth World...

Zhong Yu's change was obvious to Great Immortal Mi Lu, Murong Xingqiao, and the others, not to mention that such a phenomenon had occurred not long ago.

However, no one asked anything.

Seeing that Li Yu and Zhong Yu had no intention of saying anything, they understood tacitly and did not say a word.

"Xingqiao!" Li Yu suddenly walked in front of Murong Xingqiao. "Is there any information about the Heaven Shrouding Sect in your memories?"

Li Yu was well aware that Murong Xingqiao should have experienced at least three lifetimes. In the previous life, it was the Mystic Bird.

She controlled the Mystic Bird Palace and lived in the era before the last calamity of the Ancient Immortal Realm. She also personally experienced the Ancient Immortal Realm in the Cultivationless Age and was destroyed after the arrival of the seven demon gods.

In the end, it collapsed into many immortal realms.