Divine Power Rankings (1)

The nebulous Primordial Qi instantly devoured Li Yu. It was an energy that was far stranger and more terrifying than the Chaotic Qi.

This was the last method the red lotus used to deal with Li Yu. It was the energy from the beginning of the world, energy that ordinary living beings could not control or even touch.

It could transform everything it touched into nebulous Primordial Qi, returning everything to the primordial era.

However, Li Yu, who possessed the Primordial Origin True Body, was not afraid. Instead, he liked this energy.

The moment Li Yu touched the nebulous Primordial Qi, his body began to devour it madly.

"How is that possible? You were also born from the Primordial Chaos?" The red lotus's voice sounded again, but it was filled with shock.

Only living beings born in the Primordial Chaos could not be afraid of the nebulous Primordial Qi and absorb it.

However, Li Yu did not answer. He had nothing to say.