The Truth About the Sons of Destiny (1)

# 45: Great Battle Art

Owner 1: Li Yu

Origin: Three Thousand Worlds. That's Quite a Large

Owner 2: Situ Zhengyang

Origin: Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, Situ Family

# 44: Great Slaughter Art

Owner 1: Li Yu

Owner 2: Qin Tianheng

Origin: Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, Qin Family

# 43: Firmament Tyrant Body Art

Owner: Ye Qiu

Origin: Three Thousand Worlds. That's Quite a Large

"This Li Yu…" Tai Ri frowned slightly. He did not expect Li Yu to have so many divine powers on the rankings.

Furthermore, if these divine powers originated from Li Yu and were created by him, this person was indeed not simple.

"You must be Tai Ri!" A voice suddenly sounded from afar.

Tai Ri frowned and turned to see a few figures flying over.

"People from the Demon Realm?" Tai Ri's dual-pupils flashed with runes, and he could tell the identity of the newcomers. The two in the lead were actually two ancient demon gods.