Demon Hunting Rankings (3)

Even if it was a lie, it was the belief that supported many people through their long cultivation.

However, now that this belief had collapsed, their future path became uncertain, especially for those Heavenly Venerables who had already reached the end of the known cultivation realm.

At the moment, in the Chaotic Star Domain, the expressions of countless experts changed drastically when they saw Li Yu take the Gate of Fortune.

Although they already knew the true use of the Gate of Fortune, it was precisely because of this that they believed that Li Yu should not have taken it.

Without the Gate of Fortune, the Demon God Well would be opened. The demons would invade en masse, and the myriad worlds would suffer a calamity.

It was not only those from the Immortal Realm. Crafty, who was disguised as Gongshu Shituo, was also surprised.

He did not expect Li Yu to do this. Wouldn't this be in line with the demons' wishes?