Emperor Yu Mountain (1)

As the various large factions of the Luo Heaven Immortal Realm set out to find the Goddess Cave, the latest grotto-heaven on the Heavenly Dao Rankings was announced.

# 6: Evernight Cave

Location: Night God Realm

"It's the blessed land of the Night God Realm!"

"This is the first time I've heard of this. Looks like the Night God Realm is not simple after all. It actually has the sixth-ranked grotto-heaven!"

"The Night God Realm has always been mysterious and low-key. If not for the Heavenly Dao Rankings, many people in the myriad worlds would not have known about such an extraordinary world!"

"Yeah, looks like the Night God Realm is indeed wealthy!"

"The remaining five who aren't on the rankings are likely to be the grotto-heavens of the various main worlds!"