Primordial Treasure on the Rankings (1)

The pitch-black tribulation clouds were thick like boiling tar, condensing into a giant cage in the sky.

The brilliant heavenly might was like a giant hand that pressed down on the Primordial Pearl's body and suppressed its power.

Countless lightning bolts constantly accumulated power, ready to descend on him at any moment with all the power in the world.

Seeing the appearance of the heavenly tribulation, the Primordial Emperor's expression turned ugly, and he complained endlessly in his heart. He never imagined that he would be discovered by the Heavenly Dao.

He had clearly hidden flawlessly. How did the Heavenly Dao discover him?

Was it because of the battle with Li Yu just now? Or did the Heavenly Dao discover him because of Li Yu?

Was Li Yu related to the Heavenly Dao?

The Primordial Emperor recalled Li Yu's words and felt that his guess seemed to be right.