The Name That Surfaced in the Broken Memory (2)

Upon hearing Tai Ri's words, Li Yu became more interested in the altar. It did seem extraordinary.

Tai Ri continued, "However, when you reach the last 50 steps, you will see a mysterious woman."

"She sits cross-legged on the seventh step and silently plays the zither. The sound seems to contain endless longing and sorrow, moving people. If you are immersed in it, you will not be able to help but cry."

"If you're moved by her music, you might have a chance to attract her attention. I easily reached the 20th step with her help the first time!"

"Is that woman a guardian heroic spirit too?" Long Chuan asked curiously.

He had also tried to break through this altar, but unfortunately, he had only reached the halfway point, so he did not know if there was any other woman playing the zither above.

"No, she should be someone like us who ascended the altar. At first, I thought she was a heroic spirit."