Get Out and Collect the Corpse

After the brief interlude with Xu He City, Li Yu, and the others successfully arrived at the capital of the Heaven Region Kingdom, Wudi City.

The current Wudi City was heavily guarded. If not for Holy Lord Zi Xia leading the way, Li Yu and the others would not have been able to enter the capital smoothly and see Emperor Chengren of the Heaven Region Kingdom.

On the way here, Holy Lord Zi Xia introduced the situation of the Heaven Region Kingdom to Li Yu in detail.

Emperor Chengren was the fully deserving number one prodigy of the Heaven Region Kingdom's royal family in the past million years. He had already entered the first tier of human experts at a young age, and his future growth was limitless.

The human race had always regarded it as their hope for the future. They believed that he could lead the human race to glory.

However, the demons clearly did not want to give the humans time.