Chapter 98: Level Up! Tier 9!

After letting the two battle succubi track down the escaping soldiers and the new lord, Ren Qi asked the surrounding succubi to stop and have them transport all the corpses of the soldiers around the territory into the territory.

The corpses of these soldiers were all relatively good materials. After they were cleaned up and decomposed the next day, the useful meat would be left in the warehouse. The rest could then be sold.

After everything was done, Ren Qi let the surrounding succubi rest.

Soon, the two battle succubi returned. Ren Qi also found out the location of the new lord territories that had attacked through the two Ghost Eyeballs.

Now that night had completely fallen, although there were no demons invading the area, he still had to be careful.

The succubi also needed to rest, so Ren Qi left a few succubi to patrol the area and went back to rest.

The next morning, Ren Qi went to Elise's room to check on Elise and Maggie.