Chapter 109: Xuan Ming’s Invitation!

Ren Qi's message appeared in the chat group, causing another wave of heated discussion.

[ This time... is this considered self-justification? ]

[ The lord of the golden dragon unit is lucky to be dead. Otherwise, he would probably be angered to death. ]

[ However, I have to say, the strength of the Boss 77 is too strong. To be able to defeat the golden dragon, it seems that I underestimated the strength of Boss 77. ]

[ Yes. Although Boss 77 was the number one player in the Kill Leaderboard, he has a succubus soldier, after all. I thought that he was lucky to be number one, but it seems like that is not the case. ]

[ In my opinion, 77 should be the strongest among the new lords in the black fog. Who agrees? Who disagrees? ]

[ This is a little too much. 77 is a defensive player, after all. He had the advantage of his territory. The person above is a little brainless. ]