Chapter 122: Xuan Ming’s Plan!

Xuan Ming laughed, "How should I put it? It can't be considered as helping him. It can also be considered as helping us."

Tian Jizi said, "Oh? What do you mean?"

Xuan Ming laughed and scolded, "You fellow, you are a mysterious guy. You also have mages who can predict the future. Why do you make me think about everything?"

Tian Jizi raised his head and rolled his eyes, "Your brain hasn't been working since you were young. If I don't make you think about things, who will? This is called making the best use of everything."

"Your f*cking idiom is really good." Xuan Ming shook his head, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"This siege seems to be a crisis for Ren Qi, but from a certain point of view, it is an opportunity for us and him."

Tian Jizi was confused. "Opportunity? What kind of opportunity?"

Xuan Ming said seriously, "Time is of the essence during this cooling-down period. You know what will happen after that period."