Chapter 196: Dark Elf Queen's Plan!

The superior succubus was first found by Ren Qi found in Risa.

Risa was a death succubus, the superior form of a stealth succubus.

But since this ravenous succbus was the superior, what was her corresponding lower-tier succubus?

There didn't seem to be a corresponding lower-tier succubus right now. Was it not recruited yet?

Ren Qi wasn't too sure, but since there were three higher-level mutated succubi - the death succubi, the charm succubi, and the battle succubi, it meant that there would definitely be other higher-tier mutated succubi.

Their abilities were much more powerful and stranger than ordinary mutated succubi.

Risa was able to hide in the shadows and had powerful concealment techniques, while this succubi could arouse the greed in the hearts of creatures. If it succeeded, it could even directly absorb the other party's power.