Chapter 247: Vassal Monster Faction!

When Wang Muyu mentioned the current situation, the words "The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind[1]" appeared in Ren Qi's mind.

To Ren Qi, the stronger the two monster factions were, the better. If that was the case, it would be difficult for the new lords to succeed.

If these two monster factions were really taken over by the other new lords, he would be embarrassed to continue attacking these new lords.

Hinting for Elise to speed up, Ren Qi quickly rushed towards Wang Muyu's territory.

At this moment, in Wang Muyu's territory, Wang Muyu was staring at a screen in front of him with a solemn expression.

On this screen, it was showing the situation of the group of new lords who were attacking the two monster forces.

This was the scouting device that Wang Muyu had bought from the chat group. He could clearly see the images captured by the scouting device.