Chapter 264: The Strange Giant Hand!

The succubi beside Ren Qi also rushed out quickly. Under the lead of Elise, they headed towards the tarnished lions.

Tabitha, on the other hand, was not very interested.

After all, the lions wrapped in black flames were tarnished. They could not be affected by her power.

How good would it be if it was a normal monster?

It would be great to be able to increase one's strength by fishing for prey among so many soldiers.

It was a pity.

The Dark Elf Queen and the Elemental Elf Queen did not choose to attack.

There was no need for them to attack a tarnished of this level.

However, the Elemental Elf Queen brought the Dark Elf Queen to a position far away from Ren Qi. She kept talking to the Dark Elf Queen and occasionally pointed at Ren Qi.

Of course, Ren Qi saw them, but he pretended not to see them.

After all, what the Dark Elf Queen had done to him was a little too embarrassing.