Chapter 342: The Territory Inside The Black Mass!

The lord of another plane had come!

Xu Xinghe was startled when he heard that. Although he knew that it might be something from another plane when Ren Qi mentioned the other plane...

But a lord?

Xu Xinghe really hadn't thought about it.

According to his guess, even if it was something from another plane, it should be something like a monster.

A lord?

A lord from another plane?

No matter how he thought about it, it was impossible!

However, Xu Xinghe didn't know much about this situation. Since Ren Qi said so, it might really be possible.

This made Xu Xinghe's expression become a little solemn.

After all, it was a lord from another plane, which gave Xu Xinghe a great fear of the unknown.

However, when he looked at Ren Qi beside him, Xu Xinghe felt relieved.

With Ren Qi around, even if a lord from another plane came, he wouldn't be able to gain any benefits.