Chapter 376: A New Chat Group!

In the chat group, because of Ren Qi's words, the entire chat group instantly stirred up a huge uproar.

[ Big Brother Ren Qi has spoken. It's really been a long time since I've seen Big Brother Ren Qi send a message.]

[ Establish a new group? Share intelligence? Looks like Big Brother Ren Qi has also noticed the situation of these invading lords starting to band together.]

[ That's right, that's right. I've mentioned this before. We need to band together, but no one was listening. The news was immediately drowned out.]

[ You don't have any fame, so it's natural for people to speak lightly of you. Moreover, the invading lords didn't receive much attention before.]

[ No matter what, there are still some big shots who speak up. This is a good thing. Damn it, these invading lords attacking together is really annoying. The new lords around my territory were destroyed by five invading lords working together. I don't even have the chance to support them.]