Chapter 422: Fuji Feng Who Escaped! (1)

In the chat group, all the new lords saw Ren Qi and the others building defensive equipment, preparing to defend against the attacks of the invading lords and soldiers.

[ F*ck! I didn't think that Big Boss Ren Qi would really choose to defend the city he captured. I originally thought that Big Boss Ren Qi would choose to quickly leave after harvesting a wave of resources. ]

[ I thought so too. If Big Brother Ren Qi is like this, it will be more difficult for him to leave. ]

[ Who says so? There are too many invading lords and troops. Moreover, Big Brother Ren Qi's troops are only half of the enemy's troops. It looks like they can't defend against them. ]

[ If it were me, I would definitely take the people around me to plunder and leave. This way, I can guarantee the greatest degree of safety. Furthermore, I've obtained quite a lot of things. ]