Chapter 437: Assassination by Risa! (2)

Under such circumstances, Ren Qi and the others could only send out their flying troops to deal with the situation, preventing the enemy's flying troops from quickly surrounding them.

The main force was Zhao Yuheng's undying blood phoenix.

A large number of undying blood phoenixes spat out large amounts of flames, covering the area behind them, preventing the invading flying troops from directly approaching Zhao Yuheng's sky fortress to launch an attack.

The flying troops of the invading lords could only choose to part with a portion of their flying troops to go around and surround Zhao Yuheng's sky fortress from both sides.

Ren Qi calculated the time. From the time when the large army of the Invading Lords' Alliance arrived until they retreated, there was a total of twenty minutes.

During this process, the plague succubus had been spreading the power of the plague, covering all the invading lords and troops in front of them.