Chapter 440: Hidden Trump Card, Attack and Defense Transformation! (1)


A large number of attacks directly landed on Zhao Yuheng's energy barrier, emitting muffled sounds.

The flying troops and other troops within began to fight back with all their might, unleashing large numbers of attacks.

Around the sky fortress, the invading lords' flying troops were continuously charging towards Zhao Yuheng's sky fortress, wanting to quickly charge into it.

At this moment, under Zhao Yuheng's orders, the surrounding undying blood phoenixes began to fight with their lives on the line.

One after another, the undying blood phoenixes flew out, leaving behind a large amount of flames in the air in front of them.

A few Saint-tier undying blood phoenixes directly arrived among the invading flying troops in the sky. Their claws tore apart and flames surged on their bodies. In an instant, they had torn a few holes in the invading flying troops.